Face Acupuncture
Face acupuncture promotes blood flow and micro circulation in face. Besides, Face acupuncture also enhance face metabolism.Thus, it will strengthen better complexion as instant skin firming lifting, skin brightening and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and pigmentation on the face.
- 1-2 times a week
- Herbal Conditioning intake
- Increase body energy
Balancing Acupuncture
Balancing acupuncture is about adjustment on Yin-Yang and five elements. Acupuncture effective in boosting metabolism which can eliminate toxic inside body and reduce daily stress to get better sleeping quality. In addition, It will help in hormone balancing, and stabilize the energy.
- One week 1-2 times (Depends on body condition)
Slimming Acupuncture
Slimming acupuncture will regulate nerves and endocrine system by increasing metabolism rate. Speed up basal metabolism will result in produce heat. Thus, the higher metabolism will result in higher fat burned and result to slimming effect. Slimming acupuncture will controlĀ appetite, increase metabolism, increase digestion and reduce absorption.
- 3 times a week for the first week
- Second week onwards will be twice a week
- one month ChineseĀ herbal medicine provided
Pain Management Acupuncture
The problems of spine injury, sport injury, stained muscle from overexertion, occupational strain or old injuries lead to restricted activities can be solved through pain management acupuncture. Fine needles will be applied on body specific point to manipulate the flow of blood to relieve the pain in the body.
- Acupuncture twice a week
- Avoid cold drinks, raw and cold food
Herbs conditioning treatment
Acupuncture is widely used to treat or prevent health problems. The related Chinese medicine department using acupuncture including Chinese gynecology, Chinese pediatric, Chinese orthopedic, Chinese internal medicine and Chinese dermatology for Body care purpose and health preserving. for all the internal problem we provide herbal intake and balancing acupuncture treatment.
Confinement is including body massage and herbal treatment to reach a better recovery of the body after delivery. Besides that, applying moxibustion and acupuncture after childbirth will speed up weight loss and getting back into shape.
- Body Massage
- Acupuncture and Moxibustion
- Herbal Conditioning for 1-2 months (optional)